soul sisters


the spiritual book club for women who are ready to reconnect to their souls - through books and community

i started soul sisters book & Supper club because it's the community i craved and couldn't find, anywhere else.

you can't discuss this stuff with everyone.

so. . . ready to read with us?

It's not just anyone that you can have existential discussions with. But you can with us. We get deep. The meaning of life, connecting to God / the universe / a higher power / source, tapping into the quantum field, etc.

Soul Sisters Book Club is a safe space. We don't record our calls so everyone can speak freely. Vegas rules: what's said in book club, stays in book club. We respect everyone's beliefs, even if they differ from our own.

All beliefs are welcome! We have members who are Buddhist, Mormon, Christian, Jewish, or that align to no specific religion. All that's required is an open heart and an open mind.

Did I mention there is no cost to join?

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Women who crave a deeper spiritual connection.

This book club is for:

Lifelong learners with genuine curiosity.

Women looking to expand their network and community with others who are high vibe.

Readers who aren't scared off by reading at the pace of one book a month. (It's okay if you don't always keep up — life happens. You can still contribute to the discussion!)

Early risers, depending on your time zone. We meet Friday mornings at 7am Pacific / 8am Mountain / 9am Central / 10am Eastern. (It's worth it, I promise.)

The Light work: Reclaim your feminine power, live your cosmic truth, and illuminate the world by jessica zweig

From Amazon:

Unlock your infinite potential in every area of your life and become your own inspiration.

Using the concept of Light as a tool for personal and spiritual growth, bestselling author and entrepreneur Jessica Zweig challenges readers to hit the proverbial “light switch" and illuminate their own lives. Rooted in the Pleiadian teachings of Light as “Information,” “Truth,” and “Love,” Jessica’s philosophy teaches readers to name, claim, and reframe their inner darkness in order to unlock their infinite potential and remember who they truly are.

Jessica Zweig is the founder of a multimillion-dollar business, a bestselling author, and a social media phenomenon—but her path was not an easy one. The Light Work distills the highly-evolved spiritual concepts she learned along the way into practical applications, delivered with Jessica’s signature straight-talk. How-to’s, exercises, and journal prompts interweave with Jessica’s powerful personal story to create a guidebook to a more inclusive, loving, and Light-filled life.

Within these pages lies radical self-empowerment, because—as Jessica says—when you can claim all parts of yourself (your dark and your light, your power and your shame, your sh*t and your shine), you become… unstoppable. You become the Lightworker.

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reconnect to your soul

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Higher self habits

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The Scientific, Strategic, and Spiritual Framework to Get Out of Your Own Way—For Good

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