
Bite-sized courses with lifetime access that you can take at your own pace to get into action, NOW

Podcast Edition

Half of readers consume books by listening to them... can you afford to miss half of your potential audience?

Enter Vox Unlocked: Audiobook Edition, for authors who crave turning their work into an audiobook, but don't want to or can't spend up to $6,000 or $500-750+ per hour of finished content.

I recorded, edited, sound engineered, and published the Higher Self Habits audiobook by myself, and it's MUCH easier than you think!

All you'll need is recording equipment, a few basic tech platforms, and me showing you the systems and shortcuts to get your book to the masses—either through a private podcast format or via Audible.

What are you waiting for? Let's go!

Audiobook Edition

Over 100 million Americans listen to podcasts monthly. And, they're primarily tech-savvy, educated, and growth-oriented professionals aged 18-44. In other words... your target audience.

You want to start a podcast and reach them, but you can't justify the expense of hiring an editor. I get it.

I spent thousands of dollars on an editor... until I couldn't anymore. Faced with shutting down the show or figuring it out, I did the latter. 

In this mini-course, I'll show you how simple it is to create and produce your podcast without forking out a small fortune. It's how I've turned the inhabit Podcast into a global top 2.5% show with over 50,000 downloads.

You'll learn everything you need from systems and workflows, to recording equipment, editing, and distribution.

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vox unlocked

Mini-Courses to make your voice heard...
without paying a small fortune

both courses will be available Fall of 2024.
Join the waitlist above for a special offer and to be notified as soon as the doors open!


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