Dr. Megan Daley: Navigating Burnout and Finding Authentic Joy

Dr. Megan Daley

Are you feeling burnt out and unfulfilled despite achieving what you once thought was your dream life? You’re not alone. In this episode of inhabit, Dr. Megan Daley, a seasoned trauma and somatic informed mindset and success coach, shares her transformative journey from corporate success to finding her true calling. Here’s how you can break free from burnout and live a life that truly lights you up.

Recognizing the Signs of Burnout

Burnout isn’t just about working too hard. It can stem from living a life that isn’t aligned with your true self. Dr. Daley explains, “Burnout can come from doing too much, not doing enough, or doing the right amount of the wrong things.” Reflect on your daily activities and ask yourself if they truly fulfill you or simply check someone else’s boxes.

Defining Your Own Success

Many high-achieving women struggle with living up to the expectations of others rather than their own. Dr. Daley emphasizes the importance of defining your own version of success, freedom, and happiness. She advises her clients to write down their personal definitions and examine if they are truly their own or borrowed from societal norms.

The Power of the Pause

In our fast-paced world, it’s easy to ignore the whispers of the universe until they become sledgehammers. Dr. Daley learned this the hard way through her father’s battle with cancer. She encourages us to listen to the gentle nudges before life forces us to. Taking time to reflect and prioritize your well-being can prevent you from reaching a crisis point.

Rediscovering Your Authentic Self

To reconnect with your authentic self, Dr. Daley suggests an exercise from the book “The Art of Imperfection” by Steven Coulter. Write down 40 specific interests or passions. The first 15 will be easy, but the magic happens in the struggle to identify the rest. Look for patterns among these interests to discover what truly lights you up.

Building New Habits

Good mornings start with good evenings. Dr. Daley shares her top three evening habits to set yourself up for success:

  1. Plan Your Needle Movers: Identify three to five tasks for the next day that will move the needle in your life.
  2. Prepare Your Outfit: Reduce decision fatigue by planning your outfit the night before.
  3. Get Quality Sleep: Prioritize consistent sleep and wake times to ensure you’re well-rested and ready to tackle the day.

Embracing Flexibility

Traditional time blocking can be restrictive, especially for those with ADHD. Instead, Dr. Daley recommends time blocking categories rather than specific tasks. This allows for flexibility while still ensuring productivity.


Dr. Megan Daley’s journey from a successful physical therapist to a fulfilled mindset coach underscores the importance of living authentically. By recognizing burnout, defining your own success, pausing to reflect, and building supportive habits, you can break free from societal expectations and live a life that truly fulfills you.

Connect with Dr. Megan Daley on Instagram or visit moveonthedaley.com to learn more about her transformative coaching sessions.

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