Sandy Critides: From Hustle to Harmony; Personal Evolution and Growth

In the latest episode of inhabit, we welcome back Sandy Critides, a powerhouse of inspiration and personal growth. Sandy shares her transformative journey from rigid routines to embracing a more harmonious, flexible approach to life. This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to evolve personally and professionally.

Introduction: Embracing Change and Personal Evolution

In this episode, Alessia Citro introduces her dear friend and the very first guest of the show, Sandy Critides. Sandy is celebrated for her authenticity, resilience, and dedication to personal growth. She has transitioned from a brick-and-mortar business to a thriving global e-commerce venture, becoming a lifestyle entrepreneur, content creator, real estate investor, and podcast host along the way.

The Shift from Rigid Routines to Personal Growth

One of the central themes of this episode is the shift from rigid routines to a more personalized, flexible approach. Sandy and Alessia discuss how their morning routines have evolved over the years. Sandy reflects on her past adherence to structured habits, like the Miracle Morning’s SAVERS routine, and how motherhood has softened her perspective. She now prioritizes checking in with herself daily to determine what she truly needs, recognizing that these needs can vary from day to day.

The Importance of Self-Awareness and Mental Health

Sandy delves into the importance of self-awareness in maintaining mental health. She candidly shares her struggles with perfectionism and the realization that she cannot always be the high-energy person everyone expects her to be. Accepting and embracing all aspects of oneself, including the less glamorous parts, is crucial for personal growth.

Healing Through Self-Expression

A poignant part of the conversation is Sandy’s journey to rediscover her love for singing. After years of silence, a pivotal moment during a postpartum breakdown led her to realize she had neglected a significant part of her identity. Through singing lessons and working with a voice coach, Sandy began healing long-held traumas and reconnecting with her authentic self.

The Interconnectedness of Personal Growth

Sandy and Alessia explore the interconnectedness of personal growth, touching on the relationship between the throat and pelvic chakras. They discuss how addressing and healing traumas, both personal and intergenerational, can lead to profound transformations. Sandy’s experience with Reiki and her commitment to breaking generational curses highlight the depth of her personal evolution.

The Power of Sharing Struggles

The episode emphasizes the power of sharing struggles to attract support and foster connections. Sandy’s openness about her challenges and triumphs serves as an inspiration for others to embrace their own journeys. By viewing challenges as opportunities for growth, Sandy exemplifies how personal evolution is a continuous, ever-changing process.

Navigating Relationship Challenges Together

In a relatable discussion on relationships, Sandy shares how she and her husband, Wade, approach challenges together. By shifting from a mindset of “me against you” to “us against the problem,” they navigate issues more collaboratively and effectively. This approach has strengthened their partnership and helped them achieve common goals.

Conclusion: The Ripple Effect of Kindness and Connection

The episode concludes with a reflection on the ripple effect of kindness and connection. Sandy and Alessia discuss how simple acts of kindness can have far-reaching impacts, transforming lives in unexpected ways. This powerful message reminds listeners of the significance of their actions and the potential for positive change.

Listen to the Episode

Don’t miss this insightful and inspiring conversation with Sandy Critides. Tune in to inhabit with Alessia Citro to learn more about personal evolution, embracing change, and finding harmony in the hustle.

Listen now on Apple or via Spotify below.

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