Kate House Living by Design

Living by Design: How to Set Goals with Soul, Avoid Burnout, and Embrace Personal Growth feat. Kate House

Welcome to another enriching episode recap of INHABIT with Alessia Citro. In this episode, we’re thrilled to feature Kate House, host of the Live by Design podcast and founder of the Live by Design Collective. Through her wisdom-filled journey, we explore actionable strategies for self-care, productivity, and personal growth. This is an episode for anyone ready to live a life by design.

Meet Kate House: A Catalyst for Personal Growth

Kate House is more than just an empowerment coach. She’s a living testament to the power of transformation through intentional living. From launching a passion project during the COVID-19 lockdown to building a thriving business, Kate’s story inspires those who feel stuck. Her step-by-step approach to incremental growth—starting with podcasting, then adding coaching, and later hosting virtual summits—offers a model for aspiring entrepreneurs seeking to follow their passions.

Essentialism and Workload Management

Kate emphasizes the importance of focusing on one project at a time, a strategy heavily inspired by Essentialism by Greg McKeown. One key tip she offers is to add 50% more time to any task than you think it will take. This method helps manage expectations, balance workloads, and maintain high-quality results without stress or burnout.

Avoiding Burnout: Integrating Fun and Rest

A major takeaway from the episode is Kate’s approach to avoiding burnout by embracing rest and fun. She incorporates activities purely for joy and relaxation into her routine, recharging her energy by:

  • Reading fiction for 30 minutes each day
  • Spending quality time playing with her kids
  • Using ‘buffer books’—light fiction reads between more intense personal growth materials

By integrating play and rest into her daily life, Kate not only avoids burnout but fosters a well-rounded, fulfilling existence.

Realistic Goal Setting: Goals with Soul

Kate’s Goals with Soul Summit teaches her four-step framework for setting goals that are aspirational, attainable, meaningful, and seasonally appropriate. These goals are designed to align with your core values while also being achievable. As a special gift, listeners can access the summit for free! Click HERE and use code INHABIT.

Personal Growth Through Reflective Practices

The episode also dives deep into personal growth through self-reflection. Kate shares her journey from corporate burnout to building a fulfilling, passion-driven career, showcasing the transformative power of living with intention. She discusses the importance of addressing the pressures of ‘eldest daughter syndrome’ and using inner child work—reconnecting with simple childhood joys like coloring and gardening—as tools for mental well-being.

Balancing Productivity with Play

Both Kate and Alessia agree on the need to balance work with relaxation. Relentless productivity can be damaging, and embracing downtime is crucial for mental health. Alessia speaks openly about her struggles with perfectionism and procrastination, and how letting go of the need for everything to be perfect has helped her find peace.

Final Thoughts: Living by Design; Not Default

Kate House’s insights offer a practical, inspiring guide for anyone looking to live more intentionally. Her emphasis on small, consistent actions, meaningful goals, and the importance of rest provides a holistic blueprint for personal growth and fulfillment.

Join the Journey

Be sure to explore Kate House’s offerings at mskatehouse.com and connect with her on Instagram @mskatehouse. For more insights on building habits that align with your higher self, don’t forget to check out Alessia Citro’s best-selling book Higher Self Habits, available on Amazon and at alessiacitro.com/book.

Enhance Your Life: Listen Now

This episode is packed with valuable advice for anyone ready to enhance their life. Tune in to INHABIT with Alessia Citro on your favorite podcast platform, rate it with 5 stars, and share it with friends who need a little extra inspiration. You can listen on Apple by clicking HERE or on Spotify below.

Remember, living a life by design is within your reach—take that first step today.

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