Overcome Your Limiting Beliefs: Their Hidden Source and 3 Powerful Steps to Break Free

overcome your limiting beliefs by understanding their source
Overcome your limiting beliefs and shift from victim to victor.

Have you ever felt like you’re your own worst enemy? Like there’s an invisible force holding you back from achieving your dreams? Spoiler alert: you’ll probably identify limiting beliefs. But here’s the kicker – those beliefs aren’t really yours. They’re hand-me-downs from our caveman days, and it’s high time we ditched them and learned how to overcome your limiting beliefs.

Let’s dive into the source of these pesky limiting beliefs and fears, and then I’ll give you three action steps to kick them to the curb. Trust me, by the end of this post, you’ll be ready to channel your inner Lizzo and say, “I’m 100% that bitch” (or whatever empowering phrase floats your boat).

The Prehistoric Source of Your Modern-Day Funk

Picture this: it’s 100,000 years ago, and you’re chillin’ in your cave, trying not to get eaten by a saber-toothed tiger. Your brain’s primary job? Keep you alive. Fast forward to today, and that same brain is still running the show, but instead of avoiding predators, it’s trying to protect you from public speaking or sliding into your crush’s DMs.

Our limiting beliefs and fears are rooted in three main sources:

  1. The Reptilian Brain: This is the OG part of your brain, responsible for basic survival functions. It’s always on high alert, ready to activate your fight-or-flight response. When you’re afraid to take risks or try something new, that’s your reptilian brain throwing a prehistoric tantrum.
  2. The Limbic System: This is your emotional center, and it’s got a great memory – especially for painful experiences. Ever been rejected and then found yourself hesitant to put yourself out there again? That’s your limbic system trying to protect you from reliving that pain.
  3. Social Cohesion Wiring: Back in the day, getting kicked out of the tribe was basically a death sentence. So we developed a strong need to fit in and avoid standing out. This is why the fear of judgment or failure can be so paralyzing – your brain thinks your survival depends on being accepted.

Understanding these sources is like having the cheat codes to your own brain. But knowledge alone won’t set you free. That’s where our three action steps come in.

cave men and women gathered around a campfire
In the scheme of things, it wasn’t that long ago we lived in caves.
Have you upgraded your brain’s software to modern times?
Or is prehistoric wiring still dictating your behavior and beliefs?

3 Powerful Steps to Overcome Your Limiting Beliefs

01. Name It to Tame It

      Remember in Harry Potter how saying Voldemort’s name made him less scary? The same principle applies to your limiting beliefs. When you identify and name a belief, you start to see it for what it is – just a thought, not an unshakeable truth.

      Action Step: Grab a journal (or open a note on your phone if you’re digitally inclined) and write down three limiting beliefs you have. Be specific. Instead of “I’m not good enough,” try “I believe I’m not qualified enough to apply for that promotion.”

      Once you’ve named them, challenge each belief. Ask yourself:

      • Is this belief 100% true, 100% of the time?
      • Where did I learn this belief?
      • How is this belief serving me (spoiler: it’s probably not)?

      02. Rewire Your Neural Pathways

        Your brain is like a super-advanced computer, and limiting beliefs are just outdated programming. The good news? You can upgrade your brain’s software.

        Action Step: For each limiting belief you identified, create a new, empowering belief to replace it. But here’s the crucial part – you need to feel it, not just think it.

        Let’s say your limiting belief is “I’m not creative enough to start my own business.” Your new belief might be “I have unique ideas and the ability to learn what I need to succeed.”

        Now, close your eyes and imagine yourself embodying this new belief. What would you do differently? How would you carry yourself? What opportunities would you say yes to? Engage all your senses in this visualization. Do this for at least 5 minutes each day. You’re literally rewiring your brain!

        03. Take Imperfect Action

          Here’s a mind-blowing truth: action precedes motivation, not the other way around. Waiting to feel ready before you act is like waiting for your ship to come in when you haven’t even sent one out.

          Action Step: Choose one area where a limiting belief has been holding you back. Now, commit to taking one small, imperfect action every day for the next week.

          If your limiting belief is “I’m not disciplined enough to exercise regularly,” your imperfect action might be to do just one push-up a day. Sounds ridiculous, right? But here’s the magic – once you’re on the floor, you’ll likely do more. And even if you don’t, you’re still building the habit and proving to yourself that you can show up consistently.

          The key is to make the action so small that your brain’s fear response doesn’t kick in. You’re sneaking past your limiting beliefs instead of trying to bulldoze through them.

          Embracing Your Higher Self

          Remember, you’re not your limiting beliefs. You’re the awareness that notices them. Talk about a mindset shift. As you practice these steps, you’ll start to create space between your true self and the outdated survival mechanisms masquerading as your identity.

          It’s time to step into your power, embrace your Higher Self, and show those limiting beliefs the door. You’ve got this, and the world is waiting for the real you to shine.

          Ready to dive deeper into overcoming limiting beliefs and stepping into your Higher Self? Check out my book, Higher Self Habits, for a complete roadmap to becoming the best version of yourself.

          What limiting belief are you ready to kick to the curb? Share in the comments below – let’s support each other on this journey of growth!

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