Jess Burgio: Unscripted Success, Career Pivots, Podcasting, and the Power of Habits

Jess Burgio on Unscripted Success: Career Pivots, Podcasting, and the Power of Habits

I recently sat down with Jess Burgio on the INHABIT podcast, and let me tell you, this conversation was a wild ride through career pivots, podcasting pitfalls, and the nitty-gritty power of habit formation. Buckle up, because we’re diving deep into the messy, beautiful world of reinvention and self-discovery.

From Scissors to Soul-Searching: A Career Pivot

Jess’s professional reinvention from a 22-year hairstyling career to online entrepreneurship is inspiring. She shared, “There was a huge identity loss… that had to happen in order for me to open up space for something else.”

This career pivot wasn’t easy, but it showcases the power of embracing change and overcoming career change fears.

Mastermind Mindset: Catalyzing Career Transitions

A key factor in Jess’s career pivot? Joining a mastermind group. This investment in personal development played a crucial role in her professional reinvention.

Jess’s approach: “I paid to be here, so I earned my chair.” Sometimes, betting on yourself is the first step in a successful career transition.

Podcasting: A Habit-Forming Journey

Jess and I discussed how starting a podcast became a habit-forming experience. We touched on podcast growth tactics and the importance of consistency in habit building.

“I don’t care about metrics so much,” Jess said. “I just hope I impact one or two people today.” This mindset shift is crucial for long-term success in both podcasting and habit formation.

Habit Formation: The Secret Sauce

Of course, we dove deep into habit formation. Jess’s approach to building effective habits is intuitive and flexible – a refreshing take on personal development strategies.

Her morning routine isn’t rigid; it’s about tuning into daily needs. This approach to habit building emphasizes consistency without strict expectations, a key aspect of successful habit formation.

Ask WTF: A Tool for Habit Formation

I shared my own habit-building technique – asking WTF (Where’s The Friction?) when you struggle to do a habit. This self-improvement technique focuses on identifying and removing small obstacles in your habit formation journey.

For example, putting a hair tie where you foam roll can make a big difference. It’s these small changes that often lead to the most effective habit-building.

Wrapping Up: Your Career Pivot and Habit Formation Journey

Jess’s story from hairstylist to coach is a testament to the power of career pivots and consistent habit formation. Whether you’re considering a professional reinvention or working on building self-trust through habits, remember: it’s okay to be a beginner.

What small change can you make today in your habit formation or career transition journey? Share in the comments!

Listen to Episode 147

Give this episode a listen on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

Until next time, keep working on those career pivots and habit-formation strategies!

P.S. If you want more Jess (and trust me, you do), check out her podcast, Unscripted, and follow her on Instagram @JessicaBurgio. And hey, if you’re feeling fancy, why not join us for her retreat in Cabo this February? Sun, self-discovery, and probably a margarita or two – what’s not to love?

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