

mini-courses to demystify the tech behind audiobooks and podcasting—and make your voice heard

vox: latin for voice, sound, word, or cry

Words are creative. as in, they literally bring forth creation.

Your voice can change the world. 

It's time to unlock it.

...I got you covered.

This mini-course shares the exact tech stack, systems, and workflows i use to produce a top global podcast by myself, with minimal time and cost.

Just bring your big idea. I'll show you the rest.

Let me guess... you don't want to google "how to start a podcast" anymore.

Have been asking Google or ChatGPT how to create a podcast, but the information overload just leaves you feeling more confused

Are in analysis paralysis over choosing the right platforms, equipment, or tools

Are worried about the ongoing investment of time and money


Visionaries and self-starters with a message that they deeply believe needs to be shared.

This course is for:

Those with curiosity to learn and/or basic tech skills who believe that "everything is figure-out-able."

Entrepreneurs ready to play a bigger game and go pro.

The person who isn't sure they even want to publish a podcast. I say this with love, but convincing you is not included. Come back when you're ready. 

it is not for:

The person who wants it done for them because tech intimidates them.

Those who aren't committed to finishing and hitting publish on their show.

Those ready to invest $300+ on the equipment and platforms to help them run lean and mean for years to come, in addition to the cost of this course.

Those who want to make it work with AirPods (literally, the worst for recording) and shoestrings to save money. I'll show you how to ball on a budget, without sacrificing the quality of your product.

Those with a mostly or fully baked podcast concept.

Those who want to start a podcast but aren't sure what it would be yet.

I'll show you how to get your podcast into the world, but there are some additional one-time and ongoing costs to consider before you say yes.

To record and launch your podcast, these are the approximate costs you can expect:

Equipment: $375+ one-time investment
(for mic, mic stand or arm, audio interface, and cables)

Tech Tools: $35-80+ per month
This can vary a lot, but this estimate factors in cloud storage, editing and scheduling tools, and an AI content creator for show notes, transcriptions, etc. Note that costs for the platforms I recommend are much lower with annual billing vs. monthly billing.
Compare to $1,200+ per month for professional editing and production.

Additionally, I recommend Canva for creating cover art as well as marketing posts. If you're an entrepreneur, you probably have this already! 

Let's get to work, shall we?

If that didn't scare you off, read this. and then... lFG!

choose your
vox Unlocked course

save $100!

podcast edition


coming soon

one-time investment
with lifetime access

audiobook & podcast bundle


coming soon

one-time investment
with lifetime access

learn more about the audiobook edition

Story time; CliffsNotes version.

In 2021, I launched The Corporate Dropout Podcast. A year later, I had to stop the show... because I could no longer afford to pay a producer.

16 months passed. I love podcasting and wanted to revive and rebrand the show. The only way I could was to bootstrap it. So, I figured it out and relaunched the show, by myself.

Now the Inhabit Podcast is in the top 2.5% of all podcasts globally and has over 50,000 downloads to date. It's helped me grow my current business and has created incredible relationships and opportunities.

Armed with the knowledge from producing my podcast, I created the Higher Self Habits audiobook unassisted. Fellow authors asked me how... they'd been quoted $6,000 to create an audiobook!

Don't buy into the bullshit that you need someone to do this for you. It's easy. You just need to be shown how.

Why am I offering this? Well, once upon a time, I was a top performer in tech sales roles, working at Houzz, Salesforce, and Google. I have always loved helping people use tech to create efficiencies and solve problems—and I'm good at it!

Now, I want to teach you, because I deeply believe that more voices for good need to be heard and amplified. To play even a small role in helping you share your message would be an honor.

why learn from me?

QUESTIONS I'd ask, and figure you might too:

What if I get this course and can't figure out the tech? Do you offer refunds?

Nope. Here's why. I'm going to show you every step you need to take to make your podcast or audiobook a reality. I even have a visual SOP you can hand over to your VA if you decide you don't want to do it yourself. So, I don't offer refunds because this is the sort of black-and-white how-to info that you could take and run with... and because I know what's in here works. What I teach is exactly what I did to create an audiobook for Audible, and it's what I continue to do to have a top global podcast with weekly episodes.

Bottom line... the only way this doesn't work is if you don't or won't.

Btw, there's one other reason I won't give you your money back once you've signed up. Because as this becomes more real and you get closer to hitting publish, your ego is going to pop up to say hello. It's going to throw a bunch of shit at you and tell you stop. You're less likely to do that if you've got some cash on the line.

When are the weekly office hours?

I'm leaving that to a vote by the founding members. Definitely before lunch (Pacific / Mountain time) and probably Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday. We'll see what works best for the OGs.

To begin with, I'll do audiobook and podcast office hours together because there is so much crossover, but I expect I'll separate them later as the course grows.

Have another question?

Ask away via the contact form, and I'll get back to you promptly!

What if I need hands-on help?

I offer a la carte 1:1 help on a paid hourly basis once you're inside if you're really stuck and we can't resolve it in office hours.

But I have the tech prowess of a 90-year-old grandma...

I won't sugarcoat it. That will make things go slower, but all the tools I recommend and use are intuitive and don't require code or professional editing knowledge.

You have to decide. Are you fighting more for your perceived limitations, or for possibilities?

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Higher self habits

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The Scientific, Strategic, and Spiritual Framework to Get Out of Your Own Way—For Good

Almost there!

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